These various elements of the facial complex appear to The main accessory group is the superfacial, or accessory facial, nucleus. Of the principal facial nucleus, accessory groupings of facial motor neurons have alsoīeen described. Or posterior, group caps the lateral group. Subnucleus by a group of cells designated as the intermediate subnucleus. A relatively large medial subnucleus is separated from a slightly sm aller lateral In the rabbit it is generally accepted that the principal facial nucleus, when viewed in transverse section, consists of 4 subnuclei (Fig. These cells are organized into subgroups which show considerable variation among species. The facial nucleus is comprised of relatively large multipolar neurons of the Origin of these two muscles and their innervation. These results are interpreted in relation to the c o m m o n embryological Produced labelling which was found bilaterally in the intermediate subnucleus and in the ventromedial After digastric muscle injection, labelled cells were found in the ipsilateral retrotrigeminal nucleusĪs well as in the intermediate subnucleus of the main facial nucleus on both sides. Jaw to determine the sites of origin of the motor innervation to both the digastric muscle and the platysma Horseradish peroxidase was injected into the muscle and into subcutaneous regions overlying the lower The digastric muscle of the rabbit consists of a single anterior belly which inserts onto the lower jaw. (Received January 12th, 1985: Accepted February 7th, 1985) Veterans Administration Medical Center, Mountain Home, TN 37684 (U.S.A.) Last Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614 and :Department ~[' Surgery, Mountain Home IDepartment ~?['Anatomy, Laboratory.[or Neurobehavioral Sciences, Quillen-Dishner College ~[" Medicine, MUSCLE IN THE RABBIT: A RETROGRADE H O R S E R A D I S H PEROXIDASE THE M O T O R INNERVATION OF THE SINGLE-BELLIED DIGASTRIC Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd.